February 22, 2011 at 4:09 pm by Admin · Filed under Fans, Quiet Storm
I started thinking about how long I’d been a fan of Fairuza, and I couldn’t really calculate it any closer to “since sometime in high school”. The first movie I watched with her was The Craft, and like many others, I was instantly drawn to Ru’s dark, gothic character. It took a while before I found out who she even was (this wasn’t “before the internet”, but well before everyone had a computer with internet access at home), but when I did, my first trembling highs turned into full-blown addiction. I started looking for more movies she’d starred in, and I wanted to share my obsession with everyone else in the world. Well, what better two hobbies to combine than Hollywood star fandom and computer geekery?
It turns out that, upon reading some of the oldest entries I still have saved, the very first website I ever created in Fairuza’s honor went live 10 years ago this year. Unfortunately, I don’t have the actual site, nor do I know when exactly it went up, but I’d say it’s still worthy of a mention, if not celebration. 10 years of admiring Fairuza’s acting, her energy and her charisma. A whole decade’s worth of movies and interviews, articles and photos. It really is fantastic.
I really hope you all share this jubilation with me, because I know you’re all even greater fans than I am. This site exists because I’m not alone in my opinion, and that makes me endlessly grateful.
So, with that I want to give a great, big thank you to everyone who visited this site, who still keeps visiting. Thank you for making this site what it is: not much, but something. I think I can honestly claim this is the only something I’ve ever really accomplished in life, so far.
January 6, 2011 at 4:55 pm by Ultradamno · Filed under Art, Events, Fairuza, General
On Jan. 14 Fairuza (tweeting on the subject here) will be showing some of her art as part of a group show of evidently horse-themed work at Melissa Morgan Fine Art 73-040 El Paseo Palm Desert, CA. Some of Balk’s artwork (presumably for this show) can be found on the site on this page
November 18, 2010 at 9:20 pm by maria · Filed under General
Several magazines from Fairuza’s early career are for sale. Clippings from several magazines which contains interviews, photoshoots, events, movies and so on. The collection is getting sold because I, Maria need to earn money for an operation for my beloved dog, Oliver. He used to be a stray dog in Spain and has had a rough life before I adopted him and I need to “fix” his old knee and his teeth.
The magazines are REALLY rare and hard to find. Hardly ever get up on sites such as eBay or so. If you want to support me and my dog and get a great collection please contact me at my mail. I hate to have to sell my collection but of course my doggie comes first.
And you can make a “bid” for what you want to give for the clippings and I can put up an auction on eBay for it if you want to.
– You might know me from have had fansites on Fairuza since 2000, on domains such as fairuza-balk.com and fairuzabalk.org and I have the fanlisting.
November 3, 2010 at 10:03 am by Nathaniel · Filed under Fairuza, Fans, Music
I have to say, seeing Fairuza enter the social networks and opening her own, proper website has been fantastic. Finally, we get a glimpse into her life and what she’s up to, and not only that, we can even communicate with her about it, and her with us. The days of having a staff of people answer hand-written letters is long past, and just shooting off a question or comment to on Facebook or Twitter is the new reality.
That said, Fairuza is, perhaps, a sentimentalist. You’ll know that I ordered the limited edition copy of her new single a few weeks back, but what you may not know is that the printing is running a bit late (Ru admitted to being a bit of a perfectionist). So what does Ru do? Tweet it? Blog it? No, she sent me a beautiful, hand-written letter in an equally beautiful, hand-sealed envelope.

The envelope first came in another, bigger and more anonymous white envelope, postmarked in California.
In the letter, Fairuza thanked me for ordering her record and expressed her wish to sometime get to visit the home country of Ingmar Bergman (the famous Swedish director). She also thanked me for supporting her work and her artistic endeavors. I hereby thank her for being such a thoughtful and caring person to send personal letters to fans in this manner, when she no doubt has tons of important stuff to do already (I also made sure to thank her on Twitter), and I’m absolutely certain if she only had the addresses, she’d thank everyone in this community for continually supporting her.

October 12, 2010 at 8:13 pm by Nathaniel · Filed under Fairuza, Music
If you haven’t already, go check out Fairuza’s new single, “Stormwinds”. It’s available on iTunes or Amazon for next-to-nothing. Or, you can do as I’ve done, and order a limited edition signed copy of the single from Fairuza.com.
I’ve listened to the song a few times today, and I can tell you it’s absolutely fantastic. Ru’s characteristic voice softly floating above a layer of deep, deep bass and muted drums perfectly match her strong, almost visual lyrics. I could describe it all day, but it’s ultimately useless. Just listen to it yourselves, that’s what music is for.
September 15, 2010 at 3:34 pm by Nathaniel · Filed under Fairuza
The long wait is over. Even though many of us fondly remember the old fairuza.com, not many will object to the new use of the old domain. Fairuza Balk previously acquired the domain name and promised to use it to host her own, official website, filled with pictures, information and even music from her own band, Armed Love Militia.
Now that the site is open, it promises a more steady stream of information and content surrounding our favorite indie star, and anyone who’s been following her Twitter stream can’t escape noticing how much she has enjoyed the work.
Now, don’t let me stall you any longer. Go explore Fairuza.com right now!
August 28, 2010 at 8:17 am by Ultradamno · Filed under Fairuza, General, Music
According to posts from Ms. Balk on Facebook this is the name of her band whose single, she says, is being “being mixed as we speak”, will be “not what folks expect” (after the joy of her track on the Humboldt County soundtrack, I’m rather hoping she goes straight at psychobilly) and will be available on her official site when it launches

U P D A T E: Fairuza.com is now live and it’s shop includes a preorder offer for the Armed Love Militia single “Stormwinds”. It is described as “a limited edition art piece, and will eventually be part of a complete album concept.” The run is 500 pieces signed and numbered by Ru herself. So if you want one, don’t hesitate long. A digital download is promised “at a later date.”
April 18, 2010 at 7:58 am by Ultradamno · Filed under Fairuza, General
On April 13th Fairuza announced on her My Space blog that she has struck a deal to attain ownership of long-standing fansite Fairuza.com, making it her official website. The site is currently down for a redesign to serve this purpose but promises to be back up soon.

February 23, 2010 at 10:46 am by Ultradamno · Filed under Movies
In a recent interview with Movieweb, director Ryan Page dropped two significant tidbits of Balk news. First, the bad, Balk has been cut out of his documentary about the Arizona vineyards of Tool frontman Maynard James Keenan Blood Into Wine. Ryan is quick to make it clear that this editing choice was through no fault in Balk’s contributions (“Faruza didn’t make the cut. She is not in the film anymore. It had nothing to do with her.”) which brings us to the good in which Page backs up his praise of Ru by announcing he has cast her in a supporting role, along with the aformentioned Keenan in a comedy titled Queens of Country about a women obsessed with the great women of the opry (Dolly Parton, Patsy Cline, Loretta Lynn and Wanda Jackson being specifically namedropped) who embarks on a road trip to track them down. Page says “a very popular late night sketch duo” did some script doctoring for the project but felt it prudent to not name them, Consequence of Sound has a plausible theory of their identity.
November 14, 2009 at 6:43 am by Ultradamno · Filed under Fairuza, General, Movies
Werner and Lena Herzog’s book Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans was released this week. The book is divided almost equally between set photographs (three of Balk) taken by Lena Herzog and the shooting script “by Billy Finkelstein, reworked by Herzog.”

Product page at Amazon
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