February 11, 2008 at 2:40 am by Ultradamno · Filed under General
Darren Grodsky at the Humboldt County director’s blog has composed a lengthy tribute post to Ru entitled “The Natural”. It discusses in some detail the audition process and praises Ru on her professionalism and includes this large pic. Earlier this month they put up a video on casting generally in which they indicate that Ru’s screen time will be small but that she will be seen doing something different than she’s done in the past.
January 11, 2008 at 7:50 am by Ultradamno · Filed under Movies
http://www.humboldtcountymovie.com/ now has a snazzy new look, some new pics of Ru, many pictures of a mysterious green weed of some sort about which I know nothing, a synopsis and the promise of a trailer to come.
UPDATE: Trailer now up at the above link.
January 8, 2008 at 2:30 am by Ultradamno · Filed under General, Movies
ITV Inter Medya, the distribution company for the film, have put up a Grindstone Road page that gives a few more details. For one the movie is directed by Melanie Orr and co-stars Greg Bryk (Shoot ‘Em Up, Weirdsville, A History of Violence), Joan Gregson (Hollywoodland, The Good Shepherd) and Walter Learning (His official site). There is also a more detailed synopsis and this poster:

December 12, 2007 at 10:58 pm by Nathaniel · Filed under Quiet Storm
Hi all, we’re back!
I sincerely apologize for the downtime but unfortunately there was nothing I could to to bring the site back up. The site is hosted on a friend’s server, and he recently moved to Germany to study. Needless to say, without any physical access to the server, we had no way of finding out what was wrong.
Anyway, all problems have been worked out now, and Quiet Storm is back in business!
September 20, 2007 at 12:28 am by Ultradamno · Filed under General, Movies
According to a press release from Peace Arch Entertainment Group Fairuza is to star in a film called Grindstone Rd. about “a young mother who moves her family into a newly purchased farmhouse, where the seemingly friendly neighbors next door may have sinister motives”
Read the full article here
May 27, 2007 at 12:25 am by Ultradamno · Filed under Movies
Cam Archer’s Wild Tigers I Have Known has been set for DVD release on July 10. Click here to preorder and see the attractive cover graphic. Read more about the movie in the forum here.
May 24, 2007 at 9:44 am by Nathaniel · Filed under Community, Fairuza
Forum user candygirlnj19666 has been digging around the intertubes and found every single music video Fairuza has starred in. These include artists like ZZ Top and Moby, as well as the video for Soul Defense Network’s ‘Funky Ajoyah’ (yes, the one with ‘Ru runing around with a gas mask on her face).
Check those out, and then hop over to the forum and give candygirl a pat on the back for her efforts.
May 21, 2007 at 10:33 am by Nathaniel · Filed under Fairuza
Today, the 21st of May, we congratulate Fairuza Balk on her 33rd birthday!
We all wish her the very best, and hopes she gets to have a wonderful day with all of her closest friends and family.
Cheers to you, Ru!
May 15, 2007 at 11:04 pm by Nathaniel · Filed under Quiet Storm
Since I don’t take any pleasure in freaking anyone out, I thought I’d take this opportunity to give you all a heads up: Things are going to change around here.
Sometime during they day tomorrow, you’ll see another site here at Fairuza.net. It’ll be different, but still the same. You see, I’m reshaping everything that is Fairuza.net and turning it all into something bigger, something better. Sometime tomorrow, you’ll wave goodbye to Fairuza.net forever and instead embrace Quiet Storm – The Ultimate Fairuza Balk Fansite.
Major changes seldom pass without slight hiccups though, and I hope you’ll be patient while we correct them as they appear. I, and my new team of Quiet Storm editors, will be doing everything to keep this place running as smoothly as possible.
You might wonder what’s so great about this new site, and I’m going to tell you straight up:
- Completely new website, powered by WordPress
- The ability to comment on news posts
- Brand new gallery (which, gradually, will be filled with tons of new pictures)
- Unified Forum and Gallery login
There’s probably going to be lots more with time, but for now this is plenty
So grab a cold one, put on your Fairuza-flick of choice and relax. Quiet Storm will be here in no time.
December 31, 2006 at 3:28 pm by Nathaniel · Filed under General
I wish everyone a very happy New Year, and I hope 2006 brings lots and lots of Fairuza goodies to each and everyone!
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